Were typically only gotten by "those people" you know the ones I am talking about right! Those tough looking gangster guys that have spent time in prison. Or maybe those Gothic guys that have some kind of strange and morbid obsession with death right? Well, the world is changing and what was once shocking, unknowing and scary has today become more and more mainstream. Skull tattoos, Gothic culture and other things that were once very menacing and scary are today very normal and part of our daily life.
Today Skulls as a design motif are becoming more and more popular everywhere. You now see skulls on the latest fashion trends of kids, in skateboards, on surfboards and just about everything else you could think of. Skulls have become part of our mainstream culture and are part of the art of today. However, this does not mean that the world is all at one time becoming more morbidly fascinated with death or dying. There are many other associations with skull other then just death. For example think about the symbols of skulls and sugar skeletons from Mexico as they celebrate the “Day Of The Dead”. Today skulls are starting to also be associated with life in a way. If a skull represents death then it can also be a reminder to us that life is short and to live each day to it’s fullest a sort of symbolic.